Press release, media contact, text redaction...
Do you have a new product to present?
What could be better than a press release. Journalists are always looking for brand new information to share with their readers.
This action should be relevant, remember a lot of communications are daily released and yours should stand out
C’est la raison pour laquelle il doit être rédigé par un professionnel de l’écriture.
Our databases allow us to offer you a wide range of press contacts to professional or general public magazines.
There is no point in sending to the whole press, it is much better to target the journalist who will have interest in your product or even, if necessary, knowledge in your field.
Depending on the importance and originality of your product, we can also organise a press conference, in your own premises if permitted.
Other options are also possible in classic venues or even in unlikely locations. We have original ideas that can be adapted to your budget.
Professional copywriting is certainly one of the best ways to communicate in order to explain your product or concept most clearly to your future customer.
A professionally written text will directly convey a serious image of your company.
We are multilingual, we can write in French, Dutch, English, Spanish, Portuguese, German... Translation is a profession and cannot be improvised, our translators will work on the nuances of the texts for each language.
As you know, the slogan is what will hook your future customer. It is of crucial importance and must be well thought out so that it is not complicated to understand.
Your slogan should be aimed directly at your target audience. It can be original to capture attention and will be an extension of your company policy.
It is very important that the people to whom you entrust your image get to know you so that they can follow your line of conduct and not communicate information that does not correspond to the real situation of your company.